News from the asylum: 
Note: This page is currently only partially translated.
[> zur deutschen Version]

Gustl Mollath reports on the phone situation in the District Hospital of Bayreuth:
""If you are told by the staff of the forensic department that I do not want to speak to you, please know that this is incorrect. The truth is that due to a new telephone regulation on the part of the hospital management, I am not allowed to take all calls. I hope that you can understand this situation, which has been in effect since the day of the interview with the Bayerische Rundfunk (BR)."

Every day, lawyer Erika Lorenz-Löblein receives many emails and phone calls with offers of help in the case of Gustl Mollath. She requests you to direct these offers of help directly to the Gustl Mollath support group. As always, she is however open to any information or leads.

On my own behalf:
In this section of the News page, containing events, press releases and blog comments (with no claim made for completeness) that are relevant in our opinion, please note that the uppermost events are the newest. To obtain the legal details of the lawsuit, please click on Chronology.

> Legend


Statements by Gustl Mollath

Defense, Charges

Applications, court proceedings,
Sentences and rulings

Working Group, Solidarity with Gustl Mollath

Politics/Bavarian parliament/Petitions

Ministry of Justice

Opinions and reports


Media reports

[Translation (with many thanks): Gloria Lindberg]


> up
Kontakt: Faksimile-Belege (PDF): Sonstiges (PDF): Aktuell: Gustl-Mollath-Demo-Plakat

• Kundgebung für Gustl Mollath in Nürnberg • Entwurf: F. Fischer


• The Criminal Network • Entwurf: F. Fischer

Public Enemy No.1

• Public Enemy No.1 • Entwurf: F. Fischer


• Psycho • Entwurf: F. Fischer